Project ACES – All Children Exercise Simultaneously Day (ACES) takes place on the first Wednesday in May. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits on this day. ACES was created by physical education teacher Len Saunders as a method of motivating children to exercise and takes place on the first Wednesday in May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labeled as “the world’s largest exercise class” by the media.
Physical activity at an early age, such as walking or bicycling, helps reduce stress, heart disease, diabetes, and other obesity-related illnesses. With many families staying home to help reduce spread of COVID-19, ACES Day offer families the opportunity to be healthy while learning about safe bicycling, walking and ways to connect as a family through physical activity.
Michigan Fitness Foundation has been honored to host this event for many years with support from Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan.
While we no longer host ACES Day events, we encourage your school or community to continue to celebrate. Resources and tips may be found on the National ACES Day website (
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