Michigan Harvest of the Month™
Michigan Harvest of the Month™ (MIHOTMTM) materials include posters, newsletters, recipes, recipe cards, menu slicks, activities and educational materials, and an online recipe collection. The educational materials are aligned with both the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards and are based on the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
MIHOTM™ has been incorporated into Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) programs to promote and support the consumption of fruits and vegetables. MIHOTM™ provides supplemental materials to be delivered in tandem with core nutrition education in schools, food pantries, food stores, farmers markets, and community sites such as churches, senior centers, and health fairs. MIHOTM™ social marketing materials — posters, displays, and signage — reinforce healthy messages.
MIHOTM in Schools™
In Michigan, we collaborate with the Michigan Department of Education to bring MIHOTM™ materials to schools receiving the USDA’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Many schools and educators use MIHOTM™ to provide the required nutrition education.

MIHOTM™ in Farmers Markets
MIHOTM™ is being piloted in a novel Farmers Market Food Navigator project in collaboration with the Michigan Farmers Market Association. This project is increasing access to affordable, local produce and helping shoppers identify new and easy ways to prepare fresh fruits and vegetables at home. Food navigators have been working in farmers markets in eight low-income communities. They provide individualized support at farmers markets, including food demonstrations, guidance on using MIHOTM™ materials, and tours to help shoppers maximize their food dollars.
Farmers Market Food Navigator Findings – 2021 Market Season:
- Food Navigators interacted with over 196,880 shoppers in 26 markets
- Shoppers who engaged with food navigators reported intentions to:
- Shop more often at a farmers market (78%)
- Buy more vegetables (44%)
- Eat more vegetables (44%)
- 76% of market managers and 41% of vendors thought fruit & vegetable sales at the market increased because of the Food Navigator