Our Partners
We collaborate with a variety of mission-aligned partners throughout the state to deliver programming, leverage resources, and build strong networks. The foundation for this work is collaboration, often across sectors. We bring together nonprofits, businesses, government, and private organizations to advance comprehensive initiatives that will improve the health of Michiganders.
Some partners are selected through a competitive request for proposals while others apply to deliver local programming. Still others engage in broader initiatives that meet partners’ shared interests and provide ‘value adds.’
Through meaningful collaboration, we are better able to make a positive impact on the health of Michiganders — we are stronger together.
Interested in partnering with the Michigan Fitness Foundation? We welcome collaborative partnerships of all sorts. There are opportunities for co-advocacy, staff learning collaboratives, participation in advisory groups, event partner opportunities and engagement in strategic initiatives.
We welcome you to engage. Please contact us at info@michiganfitness.org (email link).