Map 2 Healthy Living
The Map 2 Healthy LivingTM (M2HLTM) helps users easily identify sites in Michigan where nutrition and physical activity programming is taking place. Its purpose is to make it easier for mission-aligned programs to build synergy between and among providers and partners. Such synergies help funders and programmers to better target future programming to improve the lives of low-income Michiganders through nutrition education and physical activity.
Through the use of public data sets, M2HL can also be a key resource when conducting community needs assessments and planning for programs so that the communities, the populations, and the individuals with the greatest needs can be served.
Although M2HL was initially developed to highlight SNAP-Ed initiatives, the map is growing to include many other mission-aligned programs across the state. Users customize information about their program site through a custom, user-specific portal. Functionality is updated each year based on user feedback.