What We Offer
The Michigan Fitness Foundation (MFF) is committed to promoting best practices aligned with our mission. We provide evidence-based community interventions, support local capacity to improve health, and share our expertise with partners. Toward those ends, MFF offers:
Our staff of experts can add capacity to your organization. Possibilities range from one-time supports (such as presentations and training for your staff) to long-term support for ongoing projects.
To learn more about any of our services, please contact us at info@michiganfitness.org.
Evaluation and data management. Perhaps you are looking for better ways to evaluate your program and realize that improved data collection is the first step. Our program designers and evaluation specialists can help.
Or maybe you already have tons of data but are uncertain what you should – or even can – do with it. Our data specialists can provide guidance and training to get you the insights you want.

MFF offers competitive grants to conduct programming as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed). If you serve audiences who qualify or Michigan residents who are eligible for SNAP, you might be a candidate for SNAP-Ed funding.
MFF also offers Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grants to schools who want to develop or enhance active transportation alternatives. Any school or district who serve any grade K–12 may be eligible. Selected nonprofits can also apply.